Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I love stories of “Haints” (apparently this is southern for ghosts) and in general I like the creeped out feeling that Halloween brings.
And to me there is nothing better than a well decorated house at Halloween to up the creep out factor.
When I was little there was always one house in the neighborhood that I was iffy about walking up to. I was just sure that if I did something was going to jump out and get me.
Well, I have been inspired by the possibly Haint inhabited home that we are trying to buy to post an article about giving your home that spooky look on the cheap.
Now keep in mind that DIY’ing does require more work than just going to the store (duh, right) but these are some projects that you can work on over the years and they will last until you have a nice little collection of quality decorations.
Yard Haints
This first project is super cute and I plan on this being one of my first Halloween DIY’s I’ll be completing (not this year however). These are just chicken wire formed into dress shapes. Scatter them around your yard and they are sure to get some double takes.
Spider Egg Sacs
Don’t lie, you just got the heeby jeebies didn’t you? Hang a couple of these bad boys on the porch and kids will definitely think twice about ringing the doorbell. Parents may not be so keen about walking up either! They are super easy to make as well!
Dead Flower Arrangement
Nothing screams Halloween more than dead things! This flower arrangement is no different. I found this a MarthaStewart.com as well (oh Martha, how I love thee, I just wish I could stand listening to you talk). It just utilizes what ever dead plants you may have in the yard. If you don’t have an overabundance of deceased vegetation, I’m sure you could go to the local florist and offer to take whatever dead plants they have off their hands for a much discounted price (or free).
Throw in a couple strobe lights and some dry ice fog on Halloween night to make your house the spookiest on the block!